Alih Kode dan Campur Kode Dialog Sepekan Sinetron Kebangsaan TVRI Jawa Tengah
Dialog Sepekan Sinetron Kebangsaan is one of the flagship programs of TVRI Central Java which presents a talk show that invites speakers from Central Java. The use of language variations that occur in the show is unique so that it becomes the focus of research. The research was conducted based on the relevance of the renewal of research on TVRI Central Java around the broadcast range, Central Java Province. The research conducted is only limited to the television point of view. The data collection used in this research on Code Switching and Code Mixing uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection also uses an approach combined with recording and documentation techniques. The three main topics discussed in this research are Code Switch and Code Mix in the program Dialog Sepekan Sinetron Kebangsaan, as well as the factors that cause it. As a result, the phenomenon of Code Switching, Internal Code Switching (inward) between Javanese and Indonesian and External Code Switching (outward) between Indonesian and English, and Indonesian and Arabic are described. Word Code Mix and Phrase Code Mix are the findings in the elements of Code Mix. Listeners, changes in context due to the presence of a third party, formal and informal language switching, shifting the subject matter being discussed, and the use of colloquial language are the findings of background factors. The results that have been obtained are a renewal and contribution to research related to Code Switching and Intercoding in the context of Indonesian television.
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