Penerapan Pendekatan Kontruktivisme-Metakognitif dalam Pembelajaran Gramatika di Kelas XI-Fase F SMK Negeri Bali Mandara
This study aims to (a) determine the application of the constructivism-metacognitive approach to learning grammar in class XI at SMK Negeri Bali Mandara, (b) to find out student responses to the application of the constructivism-metacognitive approach to learning grammar in class XI SMK Negeri Bali Mandara, (c ) to find out the results of students' language learning in the application of the constructivism-metacognitive approach in learning grammar in class XI at SMK Negeri Bali Mandara. This type of research is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results of the study include (a) the application of a constructivist-metacognitive approach in learning grammar has a very good impact on the development of critical thinking and the independence of students, as evidenced by observations that students are very enthusiastic about participating in the learning. In addition, the steps taken by the teacher were in accordance with the guidelines for the metacognitive constructivist approach, even though there was one learning syntax that was missed by the teacher but in fact it did not have a significant impact on learning objectives; (b) student responses to this study were very positive, as evidenced by a student response questionnaire that 27 students responded very positively and 2 students gave positive responses; (c) student learning outcomes show that as many as 23 students get a good predicate and 6 students get a very good predicate in accordance with the interval guidelines for writing scientific papers.Downloads
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How to Cite
yani, K., Sutama, I., & Dewantara, I. P. (2024). Penerapan Pendekatan Kontruktivisme-Metakognitif dalam Pembelajaran Gramatika di Kelas XI-Fase F SMK Negeri Bali Mandara. Jurnalistrendi : Jurnal Linguistik, Sastra Dan Pendidikan, 9(1), 195-208.